Acupuncture treats a wide range of conditions and diseases. Some of the most common are back pain, migraines and headaches, menstrual disorders, stress and anxiety, gastrointestinal disorders, hypertension, addiction, fatigue and infertility.
According to an official report from the World Health Organization (WHO), this is a more comprehensive list of common conditions that are effectively treated by acupuncture:
low back pain
neck pain
tennis elbow
knee pain
shoulder pain
facial pain
dental pain
tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction
rheumatoid arthritis
morning sickness
nausea and vomiting
postoperative pain
adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy
allergic rhinitis, including hay fever
acute epigastric pain
peptic ulcer
acute and chronic stomach pain
To find out more about your specific condition, and if acupuncture is the right course of treatment for you- you may either call or email the office to inquire!